joi, 3 februarie 2011


   Some words about happiness, I mean why not?! Everybody wants it, envies the one who has it and we all try so hard to find it...
   So many books, so many dreams so many things have been said about what happiness is or ought to be... But what is happiness? I think that each to his own. And I'm also sure that everybody has said at least once, in a moment of wanting to be altruistic, that he/she/it wants everybody to be happy. But what happens when someones idea of happiness is in total contradiction with what the majority regards as standard morality? What then? should we deny the pour being right to happiness?!

    I have a solution... I, more than anyone else, understand the weird way of being happy and thus I have found a solution! The solution is acceptance, easy word hard notion to grasp...
    What makes people happy? Love, money, power, sex etc. ? I don't think so, I mean... maybe, but who cares about those things? They are relatively easy to find/acquire. I'm imagining, I suppose or I know that there are some things out there that would make some folks really happy! Things like ... WAR! I'm not talking about war as a means of acquiring something else, I'm talking about art for art, war for the sake of war... The pure pleasure of slashing another being in more than two pieces or the bliss of being slashed.
   Don't get me wrong here, I wouldn't want to go to war, but I imagine that some people would really like this shit. And like I said, I have found a solution, because I want everybody to have the right to be happy.
   Let's seize some square kliks in the Sahara and make them a war zone. Anybody who fancies war can go there, and because we are civilized beings we will make rules. There would be two teams, alpha and beta lets say... The one who wants to play, will choose a team and will have to fight for that team. We will give them weapons (I'm sure that somewhere in Russia or USA there are some flesh reaping guns that just lay there) and we will let them play. Of course this is purely voluntary, only the ones who wanna go will go. When you join you will have to specify the time you wanna stay in Incredible Fun Land, and if you are still alive after that, you will be able to go home. If you go there and it isn't exactly what you have imagine it to be, you can quit of course.
   Hey! It's their war, they don't hurt anybody, what's wrong with it?! They are fully functional beings they know the risk, and I'm positive that some folk just wanna put an end to their existence... If that makes them happy, who are you to stand in their way?!
   This is the easy part, here comes the hard one: If a guy or gal, comes back from IFL and he/she wants to get a job and be a bank manager (he/she is qualified)... can we accept that?! I think we should...
   Now you can extrapolate, you can think of a thing that makes you happy and you can't have it due to some superficial reason (like it is not polite or socially accepted) and go and do in a random sq km from Sahara or some other remote place where you will not disturb people who like other things. Don't worry! you are not gonna be alone, I bet that you will find someone to join you! In this sentimentally repressed, homogenized, cloned society in which we live in, I'm betting my life on it!
   So, we have a problems we have a solutions, what is stopping us? Things that have worked in the past, or we think that they have worked, truths that we cannot abandon because we are to accustomed to live them, and of course the old and immortal "i don't give a shit about you!" !
   I'm an open minded being, I understand the misery and suffering of those around me, so let me ask you this: Before you say NO! to someone who wants to go to Incredible Fun Land, what makes you happy?

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

this is what makes me happy :)) simple, small things

When we say that we want everybody to be happy we actually mean that we want everybody to be happy so they don't disturb us anymore.. so it's just this: "altruism is a form of selfishness" :)) and i think that if every human being on earth would be happy and innately virtuous it would be the perfect timing for us to try left-anarchism :)) yeah... that's why anarchism is utopic...