marți, 5 iulie 2011

Naked us

If I would be asked "Is there more good or more evil in a human?" I would say that humans are evil, if we stick to this classification of things. We try to be good because it uplifts our sense of oneself as described by the ideal of our society. Society needs to classify things in good & evil because in this way it can differentiate between individual who are useful to it and those who are not.
Human beings like to live in society, it offers numerous advantages, but they will not hesitate to brake its rules when it suites them and most of all when they can not be held responsible for what they have done. In other words, if a tree falls in a forest and is no one there to hear it, it doesn't make a sound.
It is natural behavior, we don't give it importance unless we hear the falling tree and it scratches us in its fall.
It is somehow brilliant and almost artistic the amount and diversity of pain that we, human beings, can inflict on each other.Think about it... we can say that humanity evolved through war. Fear of being killed or the pleasure to kill and steal were the great motivators in the progress of technology.
 Those who have only short encounters with the true nature of humanity are lucky, but in my opinion few.
Another interesting aspect of this subject is the way in which we rationalize our actions. An attack towards an individual has in 99% of times a cause and it is more or less justifiable. The amount of social dogma created to justify and prevent such damage is huge. We live in a world in which words by themselves can offend. Looks offend, actions also and all can be (and must be) punished in a way or another.But let's face it even as children we learn (and really fast I must say) that hurting somebody is kinda' fun. People say that kids are mean, no, they are as mean as ourselves but they are not yet fully bound by the rules of society. They act up because they can... and it is fun.
 How long ago was the time when we spoke just to share information and not to dissect every tension in the other persons voice or intonation?! Has ever been such a time?! I miss it...

sâmbătă, 12 februarie 2011


You get to a point sometime, somewhere when you realize suddenly and unexpectedly that almost all your life you were doing nothing… Nothing, and yet if you really want to, or you need to in a few days you can accomplish so much. Then the obvious question rises: Where you would be if your entire life, or most of it, you were doing the things you have done in the past few days? How many things and how much would have you got to know and understand?
            Of course that is plain stupid. The things that make existing worth the bother are perspectives… I’m not talking about the bullshit like “I wouldn’t change a thing in my past because all that made me me, or thought me something”. This is not about learning, or becoming something that you think you are, this all about experiencing your existence.
            For the past two days my brain was in … another state. One that I have never knew it existed. Tons of information converging to be stretched and cut up to a new billion of pieces then those pieces reassembled to create a new piece of information, a new idea being brought to life. All this was happening in every single moment of the day, old information plus new incoming information from the senses all dancing to create something new. I found that very interesting, and at moments it gave me a sense of euphoria. I couldn’t sleep, and even though I had only had 3-4 hours of sleep per night, I didn’t feel tired the next day. Adrenaline I think …
            But somehow, somewhere deep in my mind, the Me who isn’t Me, gave this command because it knew that this has a purpose… and after the event that triggered all this had passed the Me who isn’t Me took its gift back…
            It was like I was on Speed… but more. Every thing that I have experienced until that moment was so clear to me like it had happened a few seconds ago. I could remember events from my childhood so clearly that I could almost re-live them. I remembered things that I had forgotten, or wanted to forget. And even my so called bad experiences were not seeming so bad thinking in retrospective, not because they were re-judged but because the classification in good or bad seemed so pointless… They were only other perspectives, other states of mind that showed me other universes of Me…
            I liked that, I wouldn’t want to live in a perpetual state of that but I would like to be able to relive it someday somewhere.
            Not that I’m going to praise myself or anything but I kind of like the fact that sometimes I can be not me, and that Me is not a constant…

joi, 3 februarie 2011


   Some words about happiness, I mean why not?! Everybody wants it, envies the one who has it and we all try so hard to find it...
   So many books, so many dreams so many things have been said about what happiness is or ought to be... But what is happiness? I think that each to his own. And I'm also sure that everybody has said at least once, in a moment of wanting to be altruistic, that he/she/it wants everybody to be happy. But what happens when someones idea of happiness is in total contradiction with what the majority regards as standard morality? What then? should we deny the pour being right to happiness?!

    I have a solution... I, more than anyone else, understand the weird way of being happy and thus I have found a solution! The solution is acceptance, easy word hard notion to grasp...
    What makes people happy? Love, money, power, sex etc. ? I don't think so, I mean... maybe, but who cares about those things? They are relatively easy to find/acquire. I'm imagining, I suppose or I know that there are some things out there that would make some folks really happy! Things like ... WAR! I'm not talking about war as a means of acquiring something else, I'm talking about art for art, war for the sake of war... The pure pleasure of slashing another being in more than two pieces or the bliss of being slashed.
   Don't get me wrong here, I wouldn't want to go to war, but I imagine that some people would really like this shit. And like I said, I have found a solution, because I want everybody to have the right to be happy.
   Let's seize some square kliks in the Sahara and make them a war zone. Anybody who fancies war can go there, and because we are civilized beings we will make rules. There would be two teams, alpha and beta lets say... The one who wants to play, will choose a team and will have to fight for that team. We will give them weapons (I'm sure that somewhere in Russia or USA there are some flesh reaping guns that just lay there) and we will let them play. Of course this is purely voluntary, only the ones who wanna go will go. When you join you will have to specify the time you wanna stay in Incredible Fun Land, and if you are still alive after that, you will be able to go home. If you go there and it isn't exactly what you have imagine it to be, you can quit of course.
   Hey! It's their war, they don't hurt anybody, what's wrong with it?! They are fully functional beings they know the risk, and I'm positive that some folk just wanna put an end to their existence... If that makes them happy, who are you to stand in their way?!
   This is the easy part, here comes the hard one: If a guy or gal, comes back from IFL and he/she wants to get a job and be a bank manager (he/she is qualified)... can we accept that?! I think we should...
   Now you can extrapolate, you can think of a thing that makes you happy and you can't have it due to some superficial reason (like it is not polite or socially accepted) and go and do in a random sq km from Sahara or some other remote place where you will not disturb people who like other things. Don't worry! you are not gonna be alone, I bet that you will find someone to join you! In this sentimentally repressed, homogenized, cloned society in which we live in, I'm betting my life on it!
   So, we have a problems we have a solutions, what is stopping us? Things that have worked in the past, or we think that they have worked, truths that we cannot abandon because we are to accustomed to live them, and of course the old and immortal "i don't give a shit about you!" !
   I'm an open minded being, I understand the misery and suffering of those around me, so let me ask you this: Before you say NO! to someone who wants to go to Incredible Fun Land, what makes you happy?

marți, 1 februarie 2011

Back to Nietzsche

   I have just listened to Robert Salomon commenting on some of Nietzsche’s famous sayings… “God is dead”.
   Robert Salmon says that this is not a direct remark on religion, on the entity of God but that Nietzsche has seen and comments in his typical way on the hypocrisy of the common Christian. I do not disagree with this, but I find it incomplete. From what I have understood from the works of Nietzsche, “God is dead” refers in my opinion, to the fact that archaic beliefs should not be held strong in an age in which human problems need another means of solving. In other words, there is no need to believe in the existence of a supreme being like that of God… it has come the time when humans should have the capacity to act moral by their own instinct and not as an imposed rule. In other words, the time to replace the inorganic with the organic…
   Of course this statement, God is dead, is shocking for the simpler minds… I find this statement in its full context beautiful, not that Nietzsche said it, it was said long before him by many others, but that Nietzsche has the will and power to complete the argument. He has the patience to argument and demonstrate each aspect of this remark… I find that impressive. Not only that he has written millions of words in this effort but he has dedicated all his work to this idea, and I find in that the greatest love statement to the humankind. Having the courage, the will and the gift to argument so beautifully and so energetic against evil at the time when evil was considered a general good, and still consider evil necessary and not fight it unconditionally is, in my opinion, brilliant!
   Of course, my interpretation of Nietzsche works may be distorted and it may change after I read his works again, but no matter how many times I will read Nietzsche, I am convinced that I will still believe that he loved humankind even though he spoke for so few…
Consider this, humanity is made up from different types of individuals, each individual with his own skill or non at all. It is fair to say that the progress of human kind is in the hands of each and every single human being? No. Then should the notion of progress and evolution be explained and discussed in terms that are understood by every individual? That would be redundant... as Nietzsche said: In the end things must be as they are and have always been—the great things remain for the great, the abysses for the profound, the delicacies and thrills for the refined, and, to sum up shortly, everything rare for the rare. Truth is not a common thing, and if it is then it is not of value…